1,587 research outputs found

    Use of N-Alkanes to Estimate the Intake of Beef Heifers on Natural Grassland in Southern Brazil

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    The technique of alkanes to estimate dry matter intake (DMI) by wild and domestic herbivores has advanced considerably in the last 20 years (Dove and Mayes, 2006). Alkanes are long chain, saturated hydrocarbons present in the plant cuticle. They are relatively indigestible in the gastrointestinal tract and can be recuperated in the faeces. Compared to other markers normally used (e.g. chromium oxide, ytterbium), it is possible to determine simultaneously the external and internal marker in a unique analysis and to estimate digestibility, faecal excretion, DMI and diet composition (Dove and Mayes 1991). This is a great advantage of this technique to support studies of plant-animal interactions in rangeland environments

    Response of estuarine meiofauna assemblage to effects of fertilizer enrichment used in the sugar cane monoculture. Pernambuco, Brazil

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    A aplicação in situ de fertilizantes inorgânicos foi utilizada para simular a eutrofização associada ao cultivo da cana-de-açúcar. A estrutura da associação de meiofauna foi analisada com o objetivo de avaliar este impacto. O experimento de enriquecimento do sedimento foi desenvolvido em nove áreas quadrangulares de 4m² distribuídas de forma aleatória no mediolitoral da área estuarina. Três áreas foram enriquecidas com alta concentração (375 g/m²) de NPK (Nitrogênio-Fósforo-Potássio), três com baixa concentração (187,5 g/m²) e as demais tratadas como controle. Os fertilizantes foram aplicados semanalmente. Os parâmetros físico-químicos do sedimento e a meiofauna bentônica foram coletados após três a quatro semanas da aplicação dos fertilizantes. Obedecendo este intervalo foram realizadas 6 amostragens subseqüentes. As amostras foram triadas e a meiofauna contada e identificada em nível de grande grupo. As respostas da meiofauna variaram de acordo com a área: enquanto a área Controle manteve sua abundância total durante todo o experimento, as áreas tratadas apresentaram forte queda nas densidades totais. A ordenação MDS e a análise ANOSIM evidenciaram mudanças significativas na estrutura da associação de meiofauna entre as áreas e também ao longo do experimento nas áreas tratadas.In situ application of inorganic fertilizer was used to simulate environmental eutrophication associated with the sugar cane monoculture. Meiofauna community structure is herein used to assess this experimental impact. Nine quadrangular areas (4m² each) were randomly defined in the midlittoral estuarine area. Three of these areas received a high dose of sugar cane fertilizer (375 g/m² Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium), three areas received a low dose of the fertilizer (187.5 g/m²) and the other three areas represented the control. The fertilizer was applied every week. Environmental parameters and meiofauna were sampled using three-to-four week intervals. Six samplings were subsequently performed maintaining this interval. Meiofauna was counted and identified to major taxonomic groups. Meiofauna community structure varied throughout the experimental areas. Control areas maintained their abundance values during the study period, but within the enriched areas meiofauna abundance decreased greatly. MDS and ANOSIM analysis showed significant variation in the meiofauna community structure among experimental areas and also along the experimental period in the enriched areas

    A multivariate approach for multi-step demand forecasting in assembly industries: Empirical evidence from an automotive supply chain

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    PreprintDemand forecasting works as a basis for operating, business and production planning decisions in many supply chain contexts. Yet, how to accurately predict the manufacturer's demand for components in the presence of end-customer demand uncertainty remains poorly understood. Assigning the proper order quantities of components to suppliers thus becomes a nontrivial task, with a significant impact on planning, capacity and inventory-related costs. This paper introduces a multivariate approach to predict manufacturer's demand for components throughout multiple forecast horizons using different leading indicators of demand shifts. We compare the autoregressive integrated moving average model with exogenous inputs (ARIMAX) with Machine Learning (ML) models. Using a real case study, we empirically evaluate the forecasting and supply chain performance of the multivariate regression models over the component's life-cycle. The experiments show that the proposed multivariate approach provides superior forecasting and inventory performance compared with traditional univariate benchmarks. Moreover, it reveals applicable throughout the component's life-cycle, not just to a single stage. Particularly, we found that demand signals at the beginning of the life-cycle are predicted better by the ARIMAX model, but it is outperformed by ML-based models in later life-cycle stages.INCT-EN - Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia para Excitotoxicidade e Neuroproteção(UIDB/00319/2020

    A dynamic approach to teaching LSS at universities

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    Alongside the European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management (ESTIEM) a team of students from the University of Minho, in cooperation with a corporate partner, developed a free and scalable Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Green-Belt level course for Engineering students. Purpose: The authors aim to depict how free access to LSS Green-Belt knowledge before graduation can positively impact both engineering education and the students when in real-life projects. The purpose is not to build on existing literature, but to provide a practical teaching structure. Methodology: The authors chose to follow the hypothetico-deductive method which consists of formulating hypotheses and comparing them with real-life brought up from their personal experiences while teaching the course. Findings: This case study found a positive impact on both the students responsible for facilitating the training sessions, as well as the ones receiving practical and theoretical knowledge. With more than 60 course graduates, this model is generating positive results in growing awareness for LSS methods. Practical implications: This paper describes a practical application of a novel approach to teaching LSS in Universities along the obstacles surpassed to design it, blending it in the course curricula. It aims to foster similar implementations in other institutions. Originality: A teaching system built with students for students is scalable, low-cost, and highly engaging. Its deployment not only shows how it is possible to advance education by blending an existing LSS course structure but also how students can greatly benefit from a deeper LSS knowledge before their graduation.(undefined

    Squid – a simple bioinformatics grid

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    BACKGROUND: BLAST is a widely used genetic research tool for analysis of similarity between nucleotide and protein sequences. This paper presents a software application entitled "Squid" that makes use of grid technology. The current version, as an example, is configured for BLAST applications, but adaptation for other computing intensive repetitive tasks can be easily accomplished in the open source version. This enables the allocation of remote resources to perform distributed computing, making large BLAST queries viable without the need of high-end computers. RESULTS: Most distributed computing / grid solutions have complex installation procedures requiring a computer specialist, or have limitations regarding operating systems. Squid is a multi-platform, open-source program designed to "keep things simple" while offering high-end computing power for large scale applications. Squid also has an efficient fault tolerance and crash recovery system against data loss, being able to re-route jobs upon node failure and recover even if the master machine fails. Our results show that a Squid application, working with N nodes and proper network resources, can process BLAST queries almost N times faster than if working with only one computer. CONCLUSION: Squid offers high-end computing, even for the non-specialist, and is freely available at the project web site. Its open-source and binary Windows distributions contain detailed instructions and a "plug-n-play" instalation containing a pre-configured example

    Photochromic properties of thienylpyrrole azo dyes in solution

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    The photochromic behaviour of thienylpyrrole azo dyes in THF solutions was studied for the first time. The photochromic properties are strongly dependent on the substitution pattern on the dyes. Nitro-substituted thienylpyrrole azo dyes are particularly interesting since they exhibit very fast colouration/decolouration processes. The activation energies of these compounds are among the lowest values reported for heterocyclic azo dyes. These compounds show aggregation phenomena in freshly prepared solutions of THF, which lead to variable photochromic behaviours. Only after 1–5 h the solutions reach equilibrium and then reproducible photochromic behaviour can be observed.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT

    Tailoring elastase inhibition with synthetic peptides

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    Chronic wounds are the result of excessive amounts of tissue destructive proteases such as human neutrophil elastase (HNE). The high levels of this enzyme found on those types of wounds inactivate the endogenous inhibitor barrier thus, the search for new HNE inhibitors is required. This work presents two new HNE inhibitor peptides, which were synthesized based on the reactive-site loop of the Bowman–Birk inhibitor protein. The results obtained indicated that these new peptides are competitive inhibitors for HNE and, the inhibitory activity can be modulated by modifications introduced at the N- and C-terminal of the peptides. Furthermore, these peptides were also able to inhibit elastase from a human wound exudate while showing no cytotoxicity against human skin fibroblasts in vitro, greatly supporting their potential application in chronic wound treatment.We would like to acknowledge FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for the scholarship concession; European project Lidwine, contract no. NMP2-CT-2006-026741

    Chromosomal characterization of Hyla bischoffi and Hyla guentheri (Anura, Hylidae)

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    Hyla bischoffi and H. guentheri share some morphological and call characters with the H. pulchella and H. polytaenia groups. The inclusion of these two species in one of these two groups is still controversial. This study showed that both species have 2n = 24 chromosomes, consisting of five metacentric, five submetacentric, and two subtelocentric chromosome pairs. The nucleolus organizer region (NOR) was located on the long arm of chromosome 10, which also presented a block of heterochromatin in both species. The pericentromeric region of all the chromosomes was positively C-banded. There were no conspicuous differences in the karyotypes of these two species, except for an additional heterochromatic C-band on the short arms of chromosome 6 in H. bischoffi. The karyotypes of these two species were very similar to those of the H. pulchella group and indicate that neither species can be excluded from that group